Cheerleaders hold up the Flag at our Football Game |
We as leaders of the school must make several sacrifices in order to ensure that DeAnza is a safe, fun, and welcoming environment where no one is afraid to be apart of their school. Whether it be selling t-shirts on spirit weeks, setting up for rallies, figuring out where to have prom, or even coordinating how to create a class' float; our leadership team is devoted to take time out of their schedules to make sure that the students of our school are able to enjoy themselves through the stress of schoolwork, college apps, scholarships etc. The title of being in leadership isn't something that is just handed to a random group of people. The people in leadership have solemnly chosen to be a part of the school that is dedicated to making a difference for others. Those who are leaders choose to put the needs of other people over the wants of themselves because they understand the sacrifices that are necessary to make sure that others are satisfied. With all of the work that Seniors have; from classwork, to college apps, to personal statements, and so on and so forth, our leadership seniors still dedicate themselves to work on our float almost every day of the week. Anyone can be a leader but a good leader knows how to deal with sacrifice, whether it be for their benefit or downfall.
Cryptic at the end, "whether it be for their benefit or their downfall...". Though I agree a good leader can perhaps be seen as the Captain, going down with the ship at times, it begs the question are all good leaders successful? How do we define our success and can even bad leaders be successful? Hmm...