Going into senior year doing college applications is something you should expect and prepare yourself to do. It is something that can seem very daunting and overwhelming for something that is actually quite simple. The only thing that complicates it is yourself, knowing that what you put on these applications can determine what you do for the rest of your life. The best way to cope with this pressure is to be as self-assured as possible in managing your time, knowing what you're going to write about, and being open to letting others help you.
Doing college applications isn't always as hard as people make it seem. Yes, it's a big deal because it's a big part in determining your future but it's simply just talking about yourself and what you've done. No one knows you better than you know yourself. However, if you dig deep enough its all there, all the information you will need to complete you application because it's no more than just talking about yourself.
The main piece of advice I would give to anyone in the college application process is to be confident in themselves and what they've done. If you believe in yourself in what you say in you applications not only does that boost your own self esteem but I'm sure that it reflects in your writing as well. You have to be proud of what you've done because, so far, everything for us high schoolers has been leading up to this moment in our lives. We should all be excited and proud more than anything.
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