Monday, November 21, 2016

C/O 2017

  My final year in High School has barely been here and it's already been a roller coaster. Every time I look up there is something frustrating, funny, stressful, or exciting going on. Although it can get hectic at times, I know at the end of the day, it's very worth it. I am learning a lot, growing day by day, and enjoying (almost) every moment I spend here at De Anza with people I love & experiences I will cherish forever.
  Joining leadership has been one of those major learning experiences for me. From now since the day I joined, I learned to be a team player while also being able to maintain my individuality, how to voice my opinion without offending others, how to keep focused on responsibilities, how to please a crowd while following rules, and so much more. Throughout leadership I have also had a lot of times that I enjoyed. My favorite experience has to be playing music at lunch with my friends. I really love to see DA joined together by just a few bangers on the speakers. It can get pretty crazy at times, but, at the end of the day, everyone is having a great time and that's all that really matters to me.
  Handling all the projects and activities leadership is involved with can be hard, but being apart of leadership definitely has it's perks. When there isn't much going on, I am able to get work from other classes done, and also get help with work, which takes some of the load off from academic responsibilities. Volunteering is mandatory in leadership, but optional on college apps, and that ultimately helps to stand out when applying to colleges which I appreciate. I am currently apart of the   November December Charity Commitee, in which I am able to help organize fundraisers, food drives, etc. for homeless, foster children and more. That is something that I really love to do and being able to do this through leadership just makes my heart light up something fierce.
  With all the looming responsibilities and college apps I have to go through , I have to say leadership. is definitely preparing me to be a well rounded freshman in college and I am so grateful

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